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I never really knew my grandfather on my father’s side, he died when I was a young boy when he was in his early seventies. My dad didn’t talk about him much and I’ve only seen a few blurry pictures…
“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” F. Scott Fitzgerald Your past doesn’t own you. Sure, you can learn from it, but it needn’t have a hold over you. Like Fitzgerald’s iconic protagonist…
Storyselling: A Literary Perspective “Story isn’t a flight from reality but a vehicle that carries us on our search for reality.” Robert McKee. [1] When trying to sell your brand, products, and services, it’s all too easy to present your pitch…
Some time ago I ran a half marathon in Cambridge, UK — a beautiful, historic city with some amazing old college buildings that date back centuries. It was great fun, but there’s quite a story behind it… I like to…
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